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Offline sickboy
Thu Dec 01, 2011 9:19 pm Post 
Watching the replay , I think it was about the 8th lap.

was in 1st spot, got blocked then crashed purposefully while he was under blue flag.

the race before, he blocked as well for 3/4 of a lap but I didn't bother to save it as was no crash.

Name of guy was CD Ditch or something, was blatantly purposeful.

Offline initial D AE86
Thu Dec 01, 2011 9:59 pm Post 
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Do you know what you did?? :thumb_d: , I think you need the ban sick boy, your fault sick boy, I was in this race :woop: , sorry my english O:)

Offline eXeYn
Thu Dec 01, 2011 10:09 pm Post 
Well ... He drove correctly while you were still far away. You provoked his revenge a lot. You abused the horn and crashed into him at last turn.

A small explanation of how I think things happened. After the long straight you were too far behind to just let you pass at the left corner. In the chicane you were also still too far behind and it's never really safe to let someone pass there. Especially in different classes. In the last corner you could have just taken the inside. It wouldn't have been really safe if he suddenly moved to the inside to let you take the outside. Due to huge speed differences this would increase the risk of a crash. Just search for a few ALMS races on youtube. Great stuff to watch.

This applies to Multi-Class racing of course.

Offline sickboy
Sun Dec 04, 2011 12:59 am Post 
I must be misunderstanding what blue flags mean then , I thought it meant get off the racing line and let the faster car pass.

The horn was being blasted because I had similar problems with him the 2 races before this one, so I thought I'd let him know I was coming.

Didn't realise someone using horn was considered "provoking" .... and in the end, he turned into me and pushed me into the wall @ the end of the replay. It's as clear as day.

He was going to go a lap down, and he crashed the leader of the race because he can't follow flags.

I thought it didn't get much more clear than this.

Offline eXeYn
Sun Dec 04, 2011 2:35 am Post 
Your definition of the blue flag applies to single class racing like Formula 1. In multi-class racing blue flag is being handled a bit differently. You can of course leave the racing line to let someone pass but you should do so if it is safe. But you should not suddenly leave a reasonable line while someone is close relative to the speed difference. This just increases potential crashes. In your case he exited the chicane normally which leads him being on the outside for the next corner. The best advise in multi-class racing is to stick there and let the faster class take the inside.

Concerning the horn personally I think it's really rude when someone uses the horn next to me (friends excluded) and most of the time people use it that way.

Of course he was going a lap down and he acted accordingly before the revenge. You used the horn in two occasions which might have made him angry. And you unnecessarily crashed into him at last corner. After that you drove next to him driving with his speed and used the horn. That was definitely a provocation in my opinion.

But yes he crashed you intentionally.

Dunno what admins will decide but just take the advice I've written especially about blue flag. It will definitely help raising your joy driving in multi-class racing. So see ya soon maybe even on S2. :thumb:

Offline Dave
Site Admin
Sun Dec 04, 2011 11:34 am Post 
User avatar
sickboy wrote:
I must be misunderstanding what blue flags mean then , I thought it meant get off the racing line and let the faster car pass.

No ... #Blue_Flag

Structural misunderstanding of people on LFS.

See also;

Offline Timon
Wed Feb 13, 2013 5:03 pm Post 
Hello, I just suffered from collision with GroszekPL. His explanation was "that's punishment for being too slow". How can I attach replay file?

Offline DOC
Wed Feb 13, 2013 8:15 pm Post 
User avatar ... #Blue_Flag

The most important statement of the theorem: You will earn respect from all drivers for acting sensibly and fairly when faced with a blue or yellow flag! :thumb:

Offline Timon
Thu Feb 14, 2013 5:20 pm Post 
What U mean? It wasn't blue flag situation, I was in front of him going my line and he just drove strait into my back on the chickane, after failing to pass me in normal way few times.

Offline DOC
Thu Feb 14, 2013 8:15 pm Post 
User avatar
Timon wrote:
What U mean?

It was a remark to what wrote not to your post, sorry if u miss understand it.

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