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Offline Dave
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Tue Jan 14, 2014 3:52 pm Post 
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This sad news arrived to me half an hour ago... I am with not a lot of words and I first was in disbelief about it because it was such a skilled LFS driver...

His Facebook page;
After midnight on the 14th of January 2014, as a result of a fatal car accident, our beloved grandson, son, brother and for many an irreplacable friend, Tomek, has passed away. Always smiling, always helpfull with hundreds of dreams, young and with great passion - racing. He passed away probably like his greatest idol, Ayrton senna - behind the wheel.
We post this information here, as we know that Tomek has many friends in online racing throughout the world and he would want you to know, so you wouldn't worry where he is. We believe that Tomek would not want to see sadness on your faces, please remember him as joyfull as he was behind the racing wheel.

In the name of the family we ask not to leave condolences.
Let's pray in silence.

Po północy dniu 14.01.2014r. w wyniku wypadku samochodowego zmarł nasz najwspanialszy wnuk, syn, brat, oraz dla wielu niezastąpiony kumpel Tomek. Zawsze uśmiechnięty, pomocny, z setką marzeń, młody człowiek posiadający olbrzymią pasję - wyścigi. Zginął podobnie jak jego największy życiowy idol Ayrton Senna, czyli za kierownicą samochodu.
Informację tą podajemy tutaj dlatego, że Tomek miał bardzo wielu przyjaciół z zawodów online na całym świecie i napewno chciałby Wam przekazać, żebyście się niczym nie martwili. Wierzymy, że Tomek nie chciałby widzieć na Waszych twarzach smutku, więc zapamiętajcie go równie szczęśliwego jakim był zawsze za kierownicą samochodu.

W imieniu rodziny prosimy o nie składanie kondolencji.
Pomódlmy się w ciszy.

Nach Mitternacht am 14. Januar 2014, ist unser geliebter Enkelsohn, Sohn, Bruder und für viele ein sehr guter Freund, im Resultat eines fatalen Autounfalles von uns gegangen. Immer lächelnd, hilfreich, mit hundert Träumen, ein junger Mensch mit einer grossen Passion - Autorennen. Er starb wahrscheinlich wie sein grösster Idol, Ayrton Senna - Hinter dem Lenkrad.
Wir posten diese Information hier, weil wir wissen das Tomek sehr viele Freunde im Online racing hatte, und er wollte bestimmt das ihr diese Information bekommt. Wir sind sicher er wolle auf eueren Gesichtern keine Wehmut sehen. Bitte erinnert euch an ihn so Glücklich wie er hinter dem Lenkrad war.

Im namen der Familie bitten wir um kein Beileid.
Trauern wir alle in Stille.

Photo's of the car crash; (I emailed that website to ask the exact location because road 776 is on Streetview.)

It's.. I don't know what to say at this point.

Offline initial D AE86
Tue Jan 14, 2014 4:59 pm Post 
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I learned a moment ago, it's sad :( [*]

Offline sermilan
Tue Jan 14, 2014 6:17 pm Post 
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Sad news..... :(
So much in front of him to look forward to :(

Offline BMW-gek
Tue Jan 14, 2014 7:06 pm Post 
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:cry: Nothing left of the car

Offline Dave
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Tue Jan 14, 2014 7:07 pm Post 
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Daewoo Tico (based on a Suzuki Alto 1988, only being made in Eastern Europe) head on collision against a Volvo. Indeed, no chance at all :/

Offline OTone
Tue Jan 14, 2014 7:27 pm Post 
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I'm so sad. ;(

We weren't the best friends lately. But I always appreciated his pure and raw talent.

He will always be the FZR master.

Rest in peace ;(

Offline Speedy J
Tue Jan 14, 2014 7:58 pm Post 
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Oh God... Just no words to think of here.

This is just horrible. Rest in peace Tomek.

Offline Frozeni
Wed Jan 15, 2014 7:22 am Post 
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Oh god.. Just got to know this :cry: :cry: Really shocked to hear this had happened :(

He was a great racer, every single time he was racing you would know it's gonna be great day to race.

Offline Moody
Wed Jan 15, 2014 8:19 am Post 
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I just wish he could troll me again. "MOOODAAAY, what are you doooin?! WHY DOU YOU BREAK THERE MOOODAAAY?! MOOODAY why do you drift MOOODAAAY? Why don't you hit the APEX MOOODAAAY?!" :(

Offline Dave
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Wed Jan 15, 2014 8:40 pm Post 
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Offline Dave
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Wed Jan 15, 2014 8:54 pm Post 
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On behalf of our entire family to inform you about the place and the date of the funeral of Thomas, so that everyone who knew him have the opportunity to accompany him on his last journey. Unfortunately, no longer behind the wheel.

The funeral service will be held at the N.M.P. Królowej Polski w Michałowicach near Krakow. It is about 10km from the border of Krakow driving route No. 7 in the direction of Warsaw. The church is located at the intersection of Krakow and Jana Pawła II.

For any information please ask his only brother;

Looks like his brother maintains his Facebook page. Look also on the Facebook of his brother, lot of LFS shares/posts.

Friday the 17th of January, 14:00h Tomek goes to his resting place.

Offline OTone
Wed Jan 15, 2014 11:10 pm Post 
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