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Offline pipa
Sat Jul 28, 2012 4:22 pm Post
I leave the pits at 5.43. Discussion with Rolly and Ronus starts soon after.

Could i please ask both of you not to jump to conclusions and blame someone when you haven't witnessed an incident. I am not saying that i never make mistakes, rather the opposite is the case.

But in this case i waited for my turn to join, let everyone with a blue pass and got held up in a accident which wasn't my fault. Very little i could do to get around aswell. And at 7:40 i get crashed by same guy under blue, although i left the door wide open for him.

I assume you saw me crashed there and started to assume, that i must ve caused it by blocking a bigger gtr.
I'm not mad, but please don't judge incidents too quickly next time, txs.


Offline pringles
Sat Jul 28, 2012 4:31 pm Post 
Poop happens, but you could have waited for all the GTRs to pass instead of joining in between them.

Offline pipa
Sat Jul 28, 2012 4:39 pm Post 
I never really have a problem with gtr's overtaking it's part of racing. Usually works fine and when i join late i do move off the line for them to pass if necessary and possible.

Offline Brillemonster
Sat Jul 28, 2012 4:42 pm Post 
Well, the accident in the dip wasn't totally your fault, although you could lift, avoiding crashing into them. If you had lifted, everyone could continue without to much problems.
And the accident with m9 was your fault, you should not enter the corner at that moment, but stay left, and let m9 pass.

Offline pringles
Sat Jul 28, 2012 4:46 pm Post 
It's not part of racing when you're mid-race joined and several laps down. Even if the rules don't expressly disallow jumping into a pack of GTRs, joining into empty space, at the rear (or just in front if you know you're faster) of your respective class and getting completely out of the way of every car that started from the grid is the respectful and right thing to do.


Offline pipa
Sat Jul 28, 2012 4:48 pm Post 
I acted as soon as i saw the accident in the dip and keeping a safe distance on a race server is nothing i consider of doing.

That incident with m9 was odd as he braked too late and it looked like he tried to pass on the outside although i left plenty of space on the inside.

Can't really do much more than leave room and hold my line, so i hardly see how i could have acted differently and prevented it.

Offline initial D AE86
Sat Jul 28, 2012 4:51 pm Post 
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I saw it by accident...
see 15 D,Dupta in 8:13:xx :cry: :x

crash of pipa titi and m9 is strange... :roll:

Offline kiyoshi
Sat Jul 28, 2012 11:31 pm Post 
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pipa wrote:
And at 7:40 i get crashed by same guy under blue, although i left the door wide open for him.

For what it's worth, I don't agree with this. The best line for that corner starts as far to the left as possible. You were already slightly to the right of that, & from his view, it looked like you were covering the corner entry. I'm not saying he made the best of that situation, but you had the blue flag showing for most of that straight, and

pipa wrote:
...and when i join late i do move off the line for them to pass if necessary and possible

that didn't happen.

I'm not saying you are a bad driver, but the point is, if you join mid-race & someone crashes just because you are there, then you can't really complain. Unless they did it deliberately, of course. :)

The first incident was unlucky, though if you had joined in a bigger gap, it might not have happened.

Offline OTone
Sat Jul 28, 2012 11:59 pm Post 
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pipa wrote:
Could i please ask both of you not to jump to conclusions and blame someone when you haven't witnessed an incident.

I never said you were guilty. I just said you must follow the rules. If I judged you about both incidents please quote here. In other words, I didn't. Turned out Rolly was right.
But looks like our opinions diverge here:

This kind of arrogance is not nice.

You made a mistake by hitting the tyre barrier. Then you and m9 crashed and that helped a lot to create all the domino effect behind you. You should have done what "15 D.Dupta" did just behind you, cutting trough the sand box. Everything would be less messier than it was.

The whole incident wasn't entirely your fault though. Problem is, you were a mid-joiner so you don't have any reason to argue in this situation.

pipa wrote:
Can't really do much more than leave room and hold my line, so i hardly see how i could have acted differently and prevented it.

Blue Flag means you have to ease the way to help the other driver to pass.
You are not following the rules if, at some extent, you keep holding the normal line and interfer other racers when you are able to do otherwise. You did just the opposite, both times.
And gets even worse when you have a much slower car under braking and cornering speed. Not to mention again you were a mid-joiner.

pipa wrote:
I never really have a problem with gtr's overtaking it's part of racing

So, to summarise: If you mid join a race you are not racing with people whom has almost 4 laps over you. You don't have any arguments to discuss regarding this fact.

Offline Rolly
Sun Jul 29, 2012 3:47 am Post 
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You and another guy called Titti were both in the wrong as you were both at least 2 laps down before joining. I picked on you as you should know better. You are a seasoned racer and should know by now to stay out of the way and also pick a good time to leave the pits. As for Titti he is a noob and is on my watch list. I didn't kick or give you a penalty but remined you of late joining a race thats all.

I think that is a fair comment don't you think.....

Offline pipa
Sun Jul 29, 2012 11:00 am Post 

Where would i have hit the tires at the first chicane? If the gtr wouldn't have crashed, i wouldn't have either. And i would have had enough time to brake late for the next corner and let the gtrs behind me pass with ease.

What you keep forgetting is that i have to move at some point otherwise i would have gotten specced and i did wait before joining the track. From my perspective i picked a decent gap.

The 2nd incident i wasn't racing him, but driving predictable manor and giving him an easy chance around me. However if you want me to go off the road and onto the grass to wait then i propably was wrong, but neither of this i will ever consider since it is by far a lot more dangerous and it will cause an yellow flag which is bad for my safety rating and the other cars behind me.

@Rolly i am fully aware of midrace joining and tried my best to stay out of everyone's way. It would help a lot if you told me how i should have acted in the first place, but keep in mind that i will get specced if i stop for too long and that i cause a yellow flag or propably an accident if i ease off at the wrong section to let some faster guy pass.

I propably could have waited a little longer at the exit, at least till that warning popped up. I give you that one.

Offline pringles
Sun Jul 29, 2012 11:22 am Post 
While you are specced, look at how the field is spread. Locate the main group of cars in your class and join in empty space near them instead of going on the track whenever you feel like it, and then trying to stay away from traffic. You had plenty of time to slowly cruise to the join spot instead of driving to it and then stopping, you must have seen the long line of GTRs approaching. Join the track 15 sec later, cruise slower to the join line and get behind the whole lot and avoid all drama. Keep watching the map at all times, predict when a group of fast cars will reach you, move away from the line well ahead of time when you need to.

Though if even after all that your attitude while midrace joined is "keeping a safe distance on a race server is nothing i consider of doing.", /boggle. The only time you should be driving as if in a normal racing situation is when you've caught up to your own class and are on the same lap.

Offline pipa
Sun Jul 29, 2012 11:36 am Post 
@pringles I propably could have done that and usually do that. Will pay more attention to this bit.

I didn't say i was racing anybody, but keeping a safe distance does not really belong on a track. Also keep in mind that i knew very well that another gtr was coming up behind me and going slowly through the corkscrew would ve been propably the worst thing i could have done for the one behind me.

Besides we are all smarter after an incident has happened.

Offline OTone
Sun Jul 29, 2012 3:12 pm Post 
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Just let see if you keep doing this kind of things then.

Offline pipa
Sun Jul 29, 2012 5:46 pm Post 
Well i will propably stop midrace joining, since there seems to be quite a bit of hate for those drivers.

I have witnessed quite a few midrace joiners that seriously cut me off or raced me hard. Wasn't really a problem for me, but i guess it gave me a wrong impression of things that we are allowed to do. Bit of a shame to be honest as it's a great opportunity to get to know the track again and traffic is usually part of a multiclass server.

Offline Dave
Site Admin
Sun Jul 29, 2012 6:14 pm Post 
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pipa wrote:
Besides we are all smarter after an incident has happened.

I always hope for that. But some people just don't have that capability.

Unless it's a hot chick, killing is the most useful option.

Offline BMW-gek
Sun Jul 29, 2012 6:43 pm Post 
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pipa wrote:
Well i will propably stop midrace joining, since there seems to be quite a bit of hate for those drivers.

Its not a problem to midjoin a race. You admit that you could handle it otherwise at the corkscrew. The accident with M9 you share the guilt in my opinion. You were not on the outside there, you had to take the line along the crash. Now there was to much room to let a GT2 squeeze in. That M9 had planned the overtake on the leftside wasn't smart.

Midjoiners are allowed, only we have the rule that they haven't any rights on the track. The blue flag rules are only maintained on lapping cars. This case is more like very bad luck.

Offline franky.s
Mon Jul 30, 2012 3:00 pm Post 
actually hold racing line if theres blue flag. sometimes moving makes them confused and can cause accidents.

Offline Speedy J
Mon Jul 30, 2012 4:13 pm Post 
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You can do a lot of things, as long as it is clear to the racer behind you WHAT it is that you are going to do.
pipa wrote:
Well i will propably stop midrace joining, since there seems to be quite a bit of hate for those drivers.

Nah you are okay. You can midjoin, like BMW-gek says, no problem. But sometimes people f*ck up, as long as you can learn from it, it's fine.

Also reacting on hate is, well... ah just don't :wink:

Offline Rolly
Mon Jul 30, 2012 11:51 pm Post 
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This seems to have attracted rather alot of views considering it was originally a reminder of when not to leave the pits.
Although watching tonight i still see drivers leave the pits at silly times right into oncoming traffic , then they seem to think that they might even win if they could just unlap themselves 3 or 4 times. Its quite anoying to watch faster cars leave the pits and then pester a slower car through a series of corners often putting them off or even tapping there arse end to hurry them up ( after all ,they have a race to win even if they are 3 laps down ). So please , this is just a reminder that others to are racing to and possible winning in their catagorie so lets not spoil their race..... find a good clean spot then over take. Oh and btw this applies to the slow cars aswel. Don't pull out of the pits and think you beat an FZ5 into the first corner in your XFG cause it aint gunna happen.

Happy motoring :huh:

Offline rob uk
Tue Aug 14, 2012 5:57 pm Post 
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ive read in interest the comments here and in the servers in general about lapped cars blue flags this is pulled off the lfs rules.......


L-1: It is a fundamental rule of motorsport and sim racing that when a driver receives a blue flag, this is to let the driver know that a faster car is about to overtake and put that driver a lap down.

L-2: The driver that is overtaking/lapping the slower car must treat the situation as though a normal competitor is being overtaken - and not assume the lapped driver should leap out of the way at all costs.

L-3: The driver that is being lapped should let the lead driver past and/or not resist to be overtaken. Only move out of the way for the lead driver when you believe it is safe to do so. For example, not on the apex of a corner.

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