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Offline Dave
Site Admin
Sun Apr 18, 2010 1:30 pm Post 
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First login

When you first enter one of our licensed servers (not demo) you start as a nobody and get an initial safety rating.

If your LFS experience index (!ex) is below 400 you get a start rate of 66% . This way you are able to drive UFB, XFG and XRG.

Safety rate increases :cheer: ...

Every time you completed a lap.

When you drive a good lap (laptime quicker then WR time +4%) you get a bonus increase

Safety rate does also increase after race! Low rate? Do an outlap if there's time.

Safety rate decreases :nocheer: ...

Every time you go off path, when you hit the grass or use asphalt which is way outside the main track. Newbies tend to go off path pretty frequently; choose a car which you can control! Pro's sometimes go off path too but they can compensate by driving good laps (see above).

When you cause a yellow flag by either crashing / doing strange things or when you drive too slow.

When you leave the pit more then once (constantly mid joining a race)

Safety rate never decreases after race (unless you get kicked/banned).

Help my safety rate got below 65% !? How did that happen?

Probably bad driving. But when you get kicked or banned you are also getting VERY HEAVY penalized. Might be a combination of both, sometimes an admin finds your driving so appalling that it reduces your rate on purpose to low levels.

You can prove that you are server worthy to do some clean laps on our S1 server which doesn't have a safety rating minimum. If you reach a level of 65% you are able to drive on the S2 server again.

How do I check my safety rating?

Type !pi or !rate on any server

Offline Litro
Mon Jun 07, 2010 1:41 pm Post 
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Maximum is 99.50. After that rating goes up very slowly - 0.01 % per race. :P

Offline eliajanineh
Sat Dec 18, 2010 2:54 pm Post 
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thats very helpful :thumb: ,thanks

Offline Skagen
Sat Dec 18, 2010 8:00 pm Post 
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Out of curiousity, has any racer ever been at 99.9%?

Offline Litro
Sat Dec 18, 2010 8:44 pm Post 
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Nope. 99.61 was maximum I think

Offline mike259
Sat Dec 18, 2010 9:04 pm Post 
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yap 99.61 % is max

Offline ketalar
Fri Nov 15, 2013 6:17 pm Post 
Very interesting :) but is there a scale of increase or decrease for each event ?

And what about when hitting someone ? If it's my fault, i understand that i lose rate but in the other way .. :nono:


Offline Dave
Site Admin
Fri Nov 15, 2013 6:27 pm Post 
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ketalar wrote:
but is there a scale of increase or decrease for each event ?

No, depends how long the yellow flag stays, if it's long it goes down faster (-0.40% off current value, every 'check' cycle). Off track is -0.15% off from your current value (exception: rally tracks don't have any possible decrease). It all really doesnt matter. People need to stop focussing on safety rating that much. When you stop caring and drive correct you will be amazed how well you can stay above 90%.

ketalar wrote:
And what about when hitting someone ?

Not implemented. I asked Scawen to change the InSim system so it's easier to detect who can be faulty and how "hard" a crash is.. He made that @LFS 0.6B but Airio development got stopped after that. I am now in the middle of a transition phase where I'm going to decide to scrap the whole Airio safety rating system and build something new .. But... First see if LFS has enough life left to spend such an amount of time to develop that. I now do things 'just for fun' from time to time, sort of brain training. Who knows how far I will go with that, but for now, easy going.

Offline ketalar
Mon Nov 18, 2013 11:19 am Post 
OK, thanks Dave for your answers :thumb:

See ya.


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