How does the points system actually work?
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Author:  polaxis [ Sat Jan 26, 2013 1:14 pm ]
Post subject:  How does the points system actually work?

Hi there

My name is Polaxis and I'm driving for almost six years for the German based team "BurnoutCrew"
After some years of LFS-hiatus I'm returning to the track. During the last days I spent quite some time on the cargame-servers.

Neither ingame nor in the forum here I could find a manual how the ranking / class system actually works? Is there some sort of guide which I missed?

My main questions are:
1. How do I get points? I guess it is based on the ranking after the race. But is it car class based?
2. How do I get experience?
3. When you enter "!pi", you see two columns under "points". What is the difference between the number of points on the left and on the right side.
4. What is the meaning of the yellow number under "Playing"?
4. Especially the whole information shown in "!pi" is not that self-explanatory to me, sorry :)
5. At the end of the race, just before the next race restarts, an overview over the class results appears. Sometimes I get +points, sometimes not. Also I don't really understand what these points are based on and if the directly count as "class points" to level up.
6. Also at the class overview, there are two numbers behind each name. What's the meaning of them?

I would be really happy, if I could understand the whole system a little bit more :)

Kindest regards

Author:  zeugnimod [ Sun Jan 27, 2013 6:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

1. For finishing high in your class and driving fast times. It depends on the number of cars that started the race. If 8 cars in your class start the race, you get 10 points if you win the race in your class. If it's only 3 cars, you get 3. And you get 2 points for a "top" lap and 1 point for a "great" lap. Not sure about that, though. You can check the times needed for that by typing !top and !great.

2. By driving. :D Not exactly sure how that works but I think your experience index grows faster when you drive a combo you haven't driven before but it always steadily grows whenever you race, I think.

3. The number on the left is the total amount of points you ever got on the server(s) while the number on the right is the amount of points you earned in the current week. It's the same for Podiums and Series as well.

4. It's the number of races you finished.

5. + 6. No idea about that, sorry. That always confuses me as well when it pops up. :D

Hope I could help a bit. :)

Author:  Litro [ Sun Jan 27, 2013 6:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

First picture is !lp what means ladder points is post1157.html#p1157
You can see all all !lp point here in forum at the top right side

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