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Offline Johnnington
Sat Dec 08, 2012 1:01 pm Post 
I've been trying to increase my rank on the S1 server but I keep getting this error whenever I have a new PB.

If I go on !pl then it says I'm a Demo player. I have an S2 license.

Anyone know whey this is?


Offline Skagen
Sat Dec 08, 2012 4:40 pm Post 
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There is a problem with Airio these days, not sure if that is what causing the wrong license status.

But for the failed path check, you can press Shift + I to open the personal Airio preferences. In the preferences panel, there is a button with the text "Path". If you enable it, Airio will tell you whenever your lap is hotlap invalid, or if you are off path. All of these path messages appear in the top left corner along with the chat.

There are two degrees of path violation. The least severe degree is the "invalid hotlap" message that appears in gray colors. When this happens, you have gone off the track a little bit (or hit an object, been near other cars, etc). A hotlap invalid laptime is still saved by Airio, but it is not considered "clean". If you type !cls (for clean laps), you will see all clean laps, and the fastest clean lap will allways be the world record. "Invalid hotlap" messages are nothing to worry about, unless you are attempting to set an Airio world record.

The most severe degree is the "off path" message. This one has a red color, and it appears when Airio see you far off from the race track. If you see the red message with "off path", you will be penalized with a safety rating drop, and your laptime will not be stored by Airio. Instead you get the "PB was not saved due to failed path check" message.

But keep in mind that Airios path check is not allways entirely precise, so you can get these messages despite having all 4 wheels on the asphalt. The Airio path check relies on your car position as the LFS server sees it, and checks it against a "track map" that was made my the Airio developer. This means the track map might have some minor deviations when compared to the actual race track geometry. But the biggest problem is with network latency (lag). If you are lagging, the server will see your car go off the track now and then, and Airio path check will react to this regardless of your lag.

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