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Offline Jones221
Tue Jan 17, 2012 5:52 am Post 
Today I got banned when I accidently took out one of the leaders. It was a huge mistake. And when I join it said I get kicked to often? The only other time I have been kicked is when my Australian buddy punted me in a corner and it said 'Too much spinning' or something.

I would love an unban, I love playing on this server.

Thanks, Jones.

Offline Dave
Site Admin
Tue Jan 17, 2012 6:04 am Post 
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Hmm you deserve a ban only because you do not tell on what server it happened, what track.. No replay, nothin'. (f)

Nah... But... I cannot find what you are talking about, only thing I know is that you've been banned bij AirAttack and he rarely uses his admin rights. It's 2 days.

Offline delta s4
Sat Jan 21, 2012 6:36 pm Post 
by the limad username, it was me that banned him.
i can only remember this situation, i think it was in ASTON, yeah, i was leading the race, caught up a blue flager driving a UFB, he did got out of the way to the grass, so i thought he would respect the following drivers, but he came back hiting me hard, making me spin, for the replay it looked on purpose, thats why the ban.

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