Airio clean lap list deleted
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Author:  fadeaway [ Mon Feb 28, 2011 4:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Airio clean lap list deleted

EQ Worry wrote:
I also have to address one other thing here, and that is the removal of all the "clean online lap times", as they were stored in the database and presented in the form of various tables as AIRW (Airio World) best lap (BL, for standard cars) and world record (WR, for custom restricted cars) data. It made some people very unhappy, and I am really sorry for that. But a month or two ago it was discovered that some of those times were done under undesired conditions and were practically unbeatable with default Airio config used at other servers. So a correction was necessary, as it is present now in Airio PROS version 2.5.2. Again, I'm sorry for this, I realize some people put quite some effort into these "new global" stats. Hopefully, you are more experienced now and have all the sets ready, so it will not take too much time to renew the stats. Overall, these online stats can never be perfect, but new data will be certainly done under much more alike circumstances and thus comparable.

topic on lfsforum

I overheard once on server that laps will be deleted and now it happend. Since i think i heard (Dave is it? ) talking about it with someone, maybe you know what he ment by undesired conditions, and were there any of these "undesired conditions" on cargame servers maybe? :-?
From my impressions it was pretty hard to put some of those clean times there becouse of airios strange way of invalidating laps.. :roll: I mentioned something about that on lfsforum topic, we'll see what will happen..
Anyway i'm also interested why does airio on server don't report when it invalidates lap? I turned that thingy some time ago, it worked but now it don't work there - still works on s2.. I think airio settings on one cargame server should work on others? :huh:

Author:  Dave [ Mon Feb 28, 2011 5:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

fadeaway wrote:
Dave is it?

Thats my real name yes ;)

fadeaway wrote:
maybe you know what he ment by undesired conditions,

Yes I know that.

fadeaway wrote:
and were there any of these "undesired conditions" on cargame servers maybe? :-?

Particularly on the cargame servers yes.

fadeaway wrote:
I think airio settings on one cargame server should work on others? :huh:

Well... I can explain it to you all.. No problem.

The boyz from AMG discovered a while ago that it was much easier to set a custom WR or AIRW BL on our servers then on their own servers. After some investigating it became clear that you could drive on our servers off track for a pretty long time without getting penalized. (also known as cutting ;) )

Airio communicates with all servers internally with an 'hostrate' ... The amount of position updates per second for a car / all the cars. For my servers I configured that on 1. The lowest setting. I didn't realized that, I thought at the time it was the best setting instead of the worst setting.

I now have tested some days with higher values, had trouble with the increased flow of internal data but with some system changes it looks stable again. I did not alter the .la server datarate until you mentioned it but it's done now.

The communication between .LA and the main server where Airio is running is not optimal. Sometimes Airio race control just dies, hopefully this won't occur again.

servers running with a low datarate are being ignored by AIRW from now on.

Author:  Skagen [ Mon Feb 28, 2011 5:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

From what I've heard, the problem was with Cargame using "a host rate of 1", which means that the path check didn't work as well as intended.

I don't know if the problems have been resolved or not, but I still get my laps invalidated while still keeping all 4 wheels on the asphalt. Even when driving on straights, the lap can suddenly be invalidated. Im guessing it has to do with lag, that the server momentarily stops reciving data from the client, and therefor starts to interpolate the direction and speed of the car. But this interpolated lag often will crash into walls, obstacles or go off the road, thereby invalidating your lap.

But this issue could have to do more with what data that is available to Airio than Airio itself.

Author:  fadeaway [ Mon Feb 28, 2011 9:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

Ok Dave, tnx for the answers. If i get troubles on .la server again i'll try to avoid hotlapping there.. actually today i intended to hotlap on s2 server but it was not empty at the moment. Btw EQ Worry mentioned that servers should use latest path files.. i hope thats the case on cargame servers.. :wink:

Skagen wrote:
Im guessing it has to do with lag

I also lag sometimes on cargame, so i suppose that can be couse of some invalidations, but.. i noticed i get continuous lap invalidated messages on some particular places (where i shouldn't get them) so i think problem is mostly with path files that, as i was explained, airio uses. wrote:
The boyz from AMG discovered a while ago that it was much easier to set a custom WR or AIRW BL on our servers then on their own servers.

Ohhh now i know to who i have to thank for lost lap times, on track offc :P :lol:

Author:  Litro [ Mon Feb 28, 2011 11:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hm, all AIRW are deleted ? But AIRW PBs are there and haven't gone :)
And about path, yes there was some fail on Kyoto Oval, last turn outside was invalid.

Author:  Dave [ Tue Mar 01, 2011 1:52 am ]
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Litro wrote:

BL ..

fadeaway wrote:
i hope thats the case on cargame servers.. :wink:


Author:  Litro [ Wed Mar 02, 2011 10:49 am ]
Post subject: 

Ehm, but what is difference now ?

Author:  Dave [ Wed Mar 02, 2011 2:01 pm ]
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The difference is that it's now harder and fairer to set a BestLap/World Record.

Author:  Litro [ Wed Mar 02, 2011 2:05 pm ]
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But in SO tracks nothing changed, right ? There is only walls and can't go out of path ? :D

Author:  Dave [ Wed Mar 02, 2011 2:06 pm ]
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Yes. Well, if you do your best you can get out of path on SO :lol: :wink:

Author:  Litro [ Wed Mar 02, 2011 2:40 pm ]
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Oh, one thing - does this path/cars check works before lap(because you can draft etc. before lap starts) ?

Author:  fadeaway [ Wed Mar 02, 2011 3:55 pm ]
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I think not :wink:

Author:  Litro [ Wed Mar 02, 2011 4:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

Then this update is one more FAIL. And all AIRW will be deleted soon again :D

Author:  fadeaway [ Wed Mar 02, 2011 4:33 pm ]
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I'm 99% shure, yesterday i had drafts behind you on ky2 just before finish line, and laps were valid..

Author:  Speedy J [ Wed Mar 02, 2011 5:43 pm ]
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I am not sure. Had "Invalid race OK"- messages on Oval this afternoon all the time when passing or drafting my opponent. Or you guys mean something else?

Author:  Dave [ Wed Mar 02, 2011 6:13 pm ]
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Litro wrote:
Then this update is one more FAIL. And all AIRW will be deleted soon again :D

Don't make statements you can't overlook ..

Yes there are known flaws and no nothing is going to be deleted soon.

Author:  Litro [ Wed Mar 02, 2011 6:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

But If there is a need for that "clean" lap times, then this failure must remove too...Otherwise it is nonsense to remove all lap times, if all is not completed.

Author:  EQ Worry [ Wed Mar 02, 2011 6:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

When revising the "clean lap" system I actually thought about doing it the way hotlaps work, that is requiring also the last sector of the previous lap "clean". But seeing so many complaints about AIRW laps being too strict, in the end I did not go the yet stricter way, and I still do not intend to do it.

The update is very important though. Under the older version, servers could have substantially different requirements concerning "clean laps", and when using the most lenient approach some (uhm, quite many) "clean" laps were clearly wrong, cars completely off the track, still scoring a WR.

The update makes sure all servers apply the same conditions, reasonably strict, and that is the main thing. Yes, you can use draft before making a clean lap, but this is possible on all servers, every Airio uses now the same balanced conditions, and that is the primary point.

Author:  fadeaway [ Wed Mar 02, 2011 8:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

Speedy J wrote:
I am not sure. Had "Invalid race OK"- messages on Oval this afternoon all the time when passing or drafting my opponent. Or you guys mean something else?

Take this for example. Yesterday we drove some races on ky2. Litro was driving fx2, me (offc :wink: ) xr2. There's been several ocasions where i catched draft and passed him in first "turn" on oval, just before start of next lap. At the entrance of next lap offc i had very high top speed becouse of draft (don't remember exacly, i think around 250 instead of 244km/h), and i moved away from him before s/f line so lap was valid. For illustration how much you can gain by doing that, in one of those laps i had first sector 41.0x and i usually drive it around 41.2x :wink:.
No i havent made wr in one of those laps! :P :lol:

Author:  Speedy J [ Thu Mar 03, 2011 9:44 am ]
Post subject: 

EQ Worry wrote:
Yes, you can use draft before making a clean lap

Guess Fadeaway found that one out already :lol:

I didn't know. Till now :devil:

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