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Offline Inouva
Sat Apr 28, 2012 3:29 pm Post 
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I'be noticed that mid joiners ( Mostly on NGT cars ) Dont respect at all the blue flag nor the others cars on the track etc etc etc

When they cause the accident they dont care about that and keep racing ruining the race of the ACTUAL car that is racing, also the actitude of the MID-Joiners is really agresive when they do the stupidity of took off someon from the track, they think they have the reason to do so...

Offline Dave
Site Admin
Sat Apr 28, 2012 7:22 pm Post 
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Good observation.

Offline Pierre Dole
Sun Apr 29, 2012 10:27 am Post 
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Thats really a problem i notice for longer time. NGTRs often overtake each other with contacts. Its ok, they can hold this out. But they think every car class can it, too. Thats false! Specially the NRF class is very prone to contacts. In my opinion its a non contact class like open wheeler.

Offline BlueEyedDevil
Sun Apr 29, 2012 11:05 am Post 
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i like to midjoin also, but i also give mutch room wen i can or sometimes il even stop for a turn to let the racers pass :)
and wait wiht passing them again wen i now im save to do ,and were is room for it

sure it goes wrong so now and then mja nobody is perfect like me :dag:

mvg Michelle

Offline kiyoshi
Sun Apr 29, 2012 1:11 pm Post 
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It would be better if mid-joiners still have to start at the back of the grid in the next race, so they aren't trying to get a good laptime for a good grid position in the middle of everyone else's race. I know that probably solves one problem & causes another... Still, anything to encourage people to be thoughtful & respectful of racers would be a good thing. People do need constant reminders.

Offline sermilan
Sun Apr 29, 2012 1:59 pm Post 
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kiyoshi wrote:
I know that probably solves one problem & causes another...


Offline kiyoshi
Sun Apr 29, 2012 2:14 pm Post 
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But I'd rather have people racing for position from the start, rather than having joined in the last lap of someone else's race. :)

Offline sermilan
Sun Apr 29, 2012 2:25 pm Post 
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That can be solved in another way rather than denying someone the right to do a good lap and join the next race somewhere up on the grid.

There are still many responsible racers and forcing them into something like this just because there are many irresponsible ones is not a very good idea. It won't solve the mid-joiners behavior either.

Offline Skagen
Tue May 08, 2012 5:00 pm Post 
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One of the reasons to drive GT2 is that you are less prone to be killed by midjoiners. How about allowing midjoining for people above a certain LFSEI, race points or safety rating? That should keep the newcommers from midjoining and giving fucks about race etiquette.

Offline Pierre Dole
Tue May 08, 2012 5:08 pm Post 
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What do you think about to allow midjoining only at the first half of the race?

Offline Skagen
Tue May 08, 2012 5:28 pm Post 
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It still doesn't help people realizing that if you are a lap or more down, you do not have every right to barge through everyone else.

Offline Pierre Dole
Tue May 08, 2012 5:59 pm Post 
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True, but to reach that you have to disallow midjoining. The best solution would be, if ppl would midjoin when their class main field passed start/finish. So, if someone have to be overlaped, the midjoiner overtakes him with the rest of his class. Or just join beween his upper and lower class. But, i think such rule is not realisable by a script.

Offline langtall
Tue May 08, 2012 6:18 pm Post 
It is what I try to do when I midjoin, to be on the tail of my class, and ahead of the lower class. It takes a bit of management and joining while spectating the last of your class. Mostly it works....

Offline Skagen
Tue May 08, 2012 7:42 pm Post 
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Yes, that could be the best solution, but requires some skill to achive for the driver. And some classes mixes quite a bit, and different tracks makes for different class mixes. But midjoining so you enter the track as the main field passes the pit exit should as a minimum be disallowed. :beer:

Offline Dave
Site Admin
Wed May 09, 2012 4:16 pm Post 
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Or just join beween his upper and lower class. But, i think such rule is not realisable by a script.

It is, but some extensive programming power is needed.

Skagen wrote:
How about allowing midjoining for people above a certain LFSEI, race points or safety rating?

Great. Was a request of mine, months ago.

But Airio development has ended, so back to square one, so to speak.

Offline Skagen
Wed May 09, 2012 7:54 pm Post 
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Ah, that's sad. I guess that also means the next update for LFS might just aswell make Airio no longer functioning at all.
Is Airio written in compiled or interpreted language? I've allways had the notion it was all PHP..? :huh:

Offline Dave
Site Admin
Thu May 10, 2012 9:54 am Post 
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Airio is ASP.Net ...

PRISM is PHP, but hhmm...

Might see some possibilities here. Worry makes use of text database files which are impossible to continuously process live but the file containing safety rating data (+exp. rate and playing points) only is 2 Mb. Thats workable :D

Offline Skagen
Thu May 10, 2012 10:31 pm Post 
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Ah, if Airio was distributed in an interpreted language, it should have been a breeze injecting addition code into Airio, such as midjoining criterias. Do you know if Worry will make it open source, or pass the source to any third party who can continue development?

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