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Offline vickie567
Thu Apr 18, 2024 4:02 pm Post 
Data Science is less concerned with what we do (descriptive) than what we could (predictive) or should do (prescriptive analytics). Today, organizations are looking for data scientists in industries ranging from the health sciences to finance, IT, and the media and public service. The scarcity of specialists to fill these openings is largely because Data Science is marketed as a mashup of analytical, business, and technical skills that are rarely found in any one profile. The only common denominator is a universal vocation of using data to learn about real life business challenges. Why study Digital Economics? If you skim through your activity streams in WhatsApp and LinkedIn, it is difficult to imagine anyone would pay tens of billions of dollars for either company. The financial evaluation of these data-driven organizations wasn’t based on the quantity of the data, but on the quality of their digital assets.

The worth of Germany Email List organizations today isn’t tied to the quantities of data they collect, but on their abilities to leverage open data and on-demand applications to provide personalized customer experiences. The concept of “digital economics” evokes these inter-relationships between data, business models and managerial decision making. What will you learn at the Business Analytics Institute? BAI’s Summer School and Exec Ed conferences are built around a unique four-step analytical process designed to help management students make better decisions in the context of their work. To begin with participants practice scanning their environment (physical and digital) to understand the nature of the business challenges they trying to solve.


The second step explores the quality of the data at hand. The third step applies the correct methodology to ideate solutions to the types of problems we are trying to solve. Finally, participants learn to transform the data into stories that will motivate their teams and communities to act. Data driven manager Using real-life examples and case studies in the health and life sciences, participants in this year’s BAI Summer School will discuss how digital economics has changed the mechanics of the markets for goods and services. Participants will explore the real costs and benefits associated with nurturing the digital platforms, processes and mindsets that constitute an organization’s digital properties.

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