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Offline Maverick
Tue May 08, 2012 11:49 am Post 
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Nickname: SD Gordon
Username: gordon666

Reason: Pitmaneuvering me after he has finished the race
Description: This is happening in his lap 10. I am not finished with the race yet. He knows that, as he let me underlap him again after overlapping me. Driving behind me and pitmaneuvering me, so my race is over. His sorry is worth actually nothing.

Nickname: SD Rozi
Username: patrykbajger

Reason: Crashing me by driving too tight racing line on oval
Description: It's my 6th lap. I let Rozi come to me, since I mid-joined the race and saw that he had no drafting partner. Everything works fine until he shoots me off track in my lap 6. He was driving a way too tight line. Sorry? No answer than "lol" from his side. Furthermore he is now continuing the race with a damaged car and later with a popped tire.

Nickname: SD Intre
Username: intrex1020

Reason: Crashing me by driving too tight racing line on oval
Description: Lap 2, I want to pass him on inner line, he just moves into the inner line without watching. Making me crash. No reaction at all. Afterwards he is crashing SD Rozi (which I don't mind anymore anyway).

So before you think: "WTF, why is Maverick reporting so often here etc.". No, I do not report anything but after 3 different races and being taken out by 3 different racers from the same clan (and I am sure, they have been in TS at that time), I conclude that they are just ignorant towards others. I really do not mind about accidents. I miss the respect of them towards others, beginning with usage of mirrors, shift+s when crashing (and yes, this isn't iracing, you can spec here immediately) and stop being annoying like SD Gordon.

I am not a pro, I make mistakes, too. You get an immediate "sorry" from my side. I am fair and expect this attitude towards me as well. But this is starting to be nonsense in later days. So is it me with wrong attitude or shall I start to ignore others as well and just ram them away?


Offline sermilan
Tue May 08, 2012 7:10 pm Post 
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Maverick wrote:
Nickname: SD Gordon
Username: gordon666
You are right, it was intentional (possibly revenge wreck for not moving away from racing line in his last lap). However, you were mid-joiner, you should've moved away from racing line, it's not a strict rule though, but we've talked about it for so many times here and most of us agreed that if you mid-join the race, you should move away even for slower cars. You are NOT in the race, but everyone else is, so use your laps to practice corners and stay out of the way for people who ARE in the race :wink:

That doesn't justify what he has done though.

@incidents 2&3: I don't race ovals, so can't really say anything as I'm not even familiar with the rules and customs at oval racing.

Offline Maverick
Wed May 09, 2012 7:54 am Post 
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Thank you for the feedback, however I have to disagree with you on the incident with Gordon.

Here some facts: of course, you are right. I have "mid-joined" the race, however this was a very early mid-join (his lap: 9th, my lap: 8th) so in common sense, usual blue flag rules apply.

Now fast forward the replay to 10:50:00, go into pov of Gordon and watch his driving.

He does not attempt to overtake me in the pre-last corner but stays on racing line, though it is pretty clear, that I have to brake earlier in the XFR. He ditches me from behind (no sorry for that, clearly his fault). Please keep in mind, that blue flag does mean: "let pass when safe". This was an unsafe situation, therefore I am making lot of space in the next corner, he is heading for the inner line and then tries to brake check me. So, any way you look at this situation, there was no intentional move from my side to take away his leadership. I nowhere interferred with his driving. He had a lot of space to dive into inner line instead of using my car as his brake.

And still, I agree with you, this doesn't justify wha he has done afterwards.


Offline JJMonty
Wed May 09, 2012 8:32 am Post 
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Maverick.... you really love to complain eh? :D

I've had a look at all 3 incidents and as long as the Admins are happy, I would like to shine some light as I have (probably too much :P) exp of oval racing (thus why I hate it so much! :lol: ).

I would agree with the general feedback that Sermillan has said, playing with the race leaders when you are a back marker is a dangerous game for a couple of reasons

1) They aren't racing you
2) How are they going to react?

In oval's, this isn't too much of a case and in most cases, will help you out! From what I could see, the drafting was going well i.e. overtake on inside, move back to outside - let the person behind get a draft and move to the inside... and so on and so on...

However.... From what I could see, you didn't make it clear to them that you wanted to draft with them, if you want to do that, leave a message just saying "drafting?" or something like that, as they aren't battling you for position, they don't want to take the risk as they don't know what your plans are - you could be a backmarker just wanting to cause hassle.

To video 1) Ignore the oval comments I have just made as this is obviously not on an oval! :P

You do talk some crap Maverick... according to this, it was your 4th lap, not 8th! :nono:

To the incident before the finish line, that seems unintentional to me, he braked later than you and nudged you up the backside, no big deal - he didn't make you spin off so I don't see why there needed to be an appology, it would have been nice but not necasery.

However it would appear he felt you were not getting out of his way and that is why he allowed you to do another lap and I would agree with Sermillan, it was a revenge wreck. From his point of view however, I think he felt that you didn't get out of his way fast enough and almost cost him the win, besides your attempts of getting out of his way were very sharp and can be deemed unpredictable and erratic.

He did appologise more than once I saw so I'm assuming he regretted his actions.

To Video 2) Good clean oval racing/drafting... however I'd have to blame you for that accident too because you didn't make a great attempt of keeping a tight line.... you were moving to the outside before you were even past him. As I said at the top, if you aren't in a battle for position and are the back marker, make it clear to them that you are wanting to draft rather than cause a problem.

To Video 3) Eh.... again, I'd have to put some of the blame on you there. From his point of view, it looked like he was busy battling his team-mate so didn't see you (as you mentioned), however you also had another lane to your inside and so could have easily of avoided that accident by turning left too...

In conclusion.

Video 1) You have a right to report

Video 2 & 3) You don't really have a good arguement as you played a part in causing an avoidable accident...

Offline Maverick
Wed May 09, 2012 8:52 am Post 
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Whoops, 8th lap was clearly wrong. Mea culpa for that! :fp:

Btw. driving wide lines in oval is equivalent to an invitation regarding drafting. You don't type that much while driving. Anyway, thank you for your comments.

And regarding oval: I've done > 3500 laps. That's pretty much the same like Rosi and Intrex have done accumulated together in their LFS lifetime. And still, it's not about someone's fault or not, it's about the ignorance towards others. This mainly is the reason, why this report has been created.

Offline JJMonty
Wed May 09, 2012 8:56 am Post 
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I agree Mav, it is about ignorance and it should be reported, but from what I could see - you were just as ignorant due to not doing the actions to avoid the accidents which I have pointed out in my previous post.

Remember, it always takes 2 to tango 8)

Offline franky.s
Wed May 09, 2012 5:50 pm Post 
someone stealing my show huh

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